A DREAM called A DREAM "FOR YEARS & YEARS ......."
長年、ファンの方の間ではかなわない “夢" と思われていたパット・メセニー・グループのブルーノート東京公演・8日間が終了しました。
1/8 Thu. 2nd show 終了後、その8日間に渡る公演を終えた直後のパット・メセニーにお話を伺いました。
Q. 1
☆ Pat Metheny : (以下、☆ PM)
“Well this is very special for us. We haven’t played a concert like this – for guitar, piano, bass and drums – for very close to 30 years. And the connection that we have had with this group and also the connection that I have felt with all the other projects that I have done over the years, with Japan and particularly the community of listeners that live in the Tokyo area, is very special and is something that we value very much. And I’ve been lucky to present music here under many different circumstances. And the invitation came to play here, and I had been thinking about what it would be like to play a quartet, and this seemed like the best place to do it. And actually, I can’t really say that it was anything expected from me. I mean, I knew that we would play the old music, and I kind of intentionally made it so that we didn’t play any new music – that we really looked at only the older pieces. But having Antonio in the band, really since he joined, makes it really a completely new experience. And because Antonio and I have played so much together in a trio situation – many people may remember that we played here with Christian in that trio – I really saw this as an opportunity to try to integrate the two things, which is something I’ve generally kept pretty separated. And I think in that sense, what the people here saw was that unfolding, and I think that over the course of the week it really did turn into something.
★ PM :

☆ PM :
“That was kind of a challenge. I’ve never really run a New Year’s Eve thing before. I think we have done one or two concert, really early in the groups history, but mostly when I did New Year’s Eve gigs, it was playing for a bunch of drunk people in some bar somewhere, where they didn’t really care about the band anyway. And then the last time I played a New Year’s Eve gig was actually with Ornette Coleman, Charlie Haydn, and Denardo Coleman in 1984. We played in Fort Worth, Texas, and I figured that would be the last New Year’s gig I would ever do because it was so “unique” that I thought that I would never be able to top that. But this was pretty interesting, and it seemed like “Are You Going With Me?” is such a sort of iconic song that it seemed like a good way to bring in the New Year.”
大晦日からのカウントダウンをしたことは無かったから、チャレンジでもあったね。1,2度やったことはあったと思うけれど、グループの歴史のなかでもごく初期の頃だったし、どこかのバーで大勢の酔った客の前での演奏だったから誰も気に留めてはいなかった。最後に出演した大晦日のイベントは1984年、オーネット・コールマン、チャーリー・ヘイデン、そしてデナード・コールマンとテキサスのフォートワースで演奏した時だったと思う。とても"ユニーク"でこれ以上のものはないと感じられたんだよ。Are you going with me?のような曲は新年を迎えるのにふさわしい、アイコン的曲だよね。

Q 3
☆ PM :
“The thing is, it’s not really about the songs, for me. The songs are really just an envelope that you put your message in, and the message is defined by the audience, the day, the room, and of course the players. But really I can’t say that there is anything special attached to any song. It’s just that each certain song, offers certain kinds of opportunities, and when I put together a set I am trying to find a balance of opportunities; some of those things are very obvious like who’s gonna solo on this tune, and you don’t want to have like six drum solos in a row, some of it is just that kind of balance. But there is a whole other, sort of sub-text to what music is for me that kind of stands apart from what the songs actually are. For me, you know, playing some of these songs, of course, there are certain memories attached of certain periods. But that only lasted for like the first or second time that we played it. And then it becomes like just a platform that you jump off from. For me what was cool about the week was that as the week went on, that became more and more the case, that we were able to just use the pieces to sort of talk directly to the audience.The thing is, it’s not really about the songs, for me. ”
☆ PM :
“The thing is that it’s difficult for me to define what those things are outside of the realm of notes and chords and music, because it sort of happens on that level. But the one thing I would say is that it, once again, reminds me of, first of all, the energy and the concentration that Japanese audiences bring to the listening experience that allows us to discover things. And that’s why we’re here, that’s why we came here and why we didn’t go to, you know, Germany or to Russia, to do this, we came to Japan specifically because of the audience. And once again I was so impressed with the audience. About the only member of the audience that was a drag the whole week was an American (laughs). And everybody else was super cool.”

Q. 5
☆ PM :
“The thing is, you know, playing here at the Blue Note is something really special for me anyway, because generally this is really the only club I’ve played in, in the last 10 years anywhere. I mean, I don’t really play clubs anymore. And I kind of did it as an experiment the first time – not sure if I would like it – with Bill and Larry. And I mean, I will say this: that it is a very difficult week; it’s not easy at all to play. Because as everyone can see, every time I play, it’s ‘For God,’ you know? I’m like incapable of playing less than as if it’s at the Budoukan! It’s like every concert for me is like the last concert I’ll ever play. So, to do that 16 times in a row is challenging. And so coming is not something that I just kind of go, ‘Oh, yeah, okay. I’ll do that.’ It’s always something that I think about a lot. And I feel good that I think I’ve now played here four times? Five times? And each time it’s been something very different. And I would only come back if I could offer something again that was very special and very different, and also on the same level as all these other things have been. You know, if something comes up, I would love to do it. And I also don’t want it to be seen, ever, as being ‘Oh, well, here’s that again,’ because it’s never going to be that for me. It’s always going to be something special. It’ll never be just another gig, anytime I come here it’s gonna be something real special.”

☆ PM :
“That’s funny, I have had so many that I don’t even know how many invitation I’ve had, to do something with an orchestra. The thing is, to do something with an orchestra would mean that I’d have to write a piece which would take me about three years, of doing nothing but that. And there may be a time that that happens, but you know… Again, it wouldn’t really be my style to do a few little orchestra tunes. It would have to be something really cool. So, who knows?
And I do have a very special project, but it’s not evolved enough that I can really describe it yet. So it’s still underway. And also people may remember that we did the Gary Burton Quartet Revisited thing here, and right after we were here we went to the states and recorded some concerts and there is a record of that that’s coming out that’s very good that we’re actually very excited about. Yep.

☆ PM :
“Unbelievable musician. And we’ve had this incredible way of playing together for more than 30 years now, and it’s just always great to continue the conversation that we began, really, back in 1976, that’s when we first started playing together. And that was something that was really nice about this, is that the group has sort of evolved into this really, almost like a big band. It’s more like a large ensemble thing. And this week we really focused on more just the core band, and it was really fun, it was just great to kinda get back into that sound.”
☆ PM :
“Oh sure. I’ve met him yeah. But I wouldn7t play with him, he’s too good. They actually called me one time – him and Paco called me – to play with them in a trio, which they ended up getting several other people to do it, and I just laughed. I just said ‘There’s no way I would ever be able to get on the bandstand with either one of you guys. So… ‘ (laughs). That’s really not my kind of thing, I can’t really do that stuff. Yep, with Christian, right? Are they gonna play a whole week here? Oh, that’ll be great. That’ll be fun. Yeah, that’s gonna be amazing.”
公演詳細はこちら → http://www.bluenote.co.jp/jp/sp/250.html
☆ PM :
“Well, my message is very simple, which is a big thank you for being such excellent listeners and really allowing us the opportunity to continue our research into music, by coming to the concerts, buying the records, and supporting what we’re trying to do. Because really – and I say this all the time, I mean – it’s sincerely the backbone of the jazz world, really, the Japanese listening community. Without it, not just us, there are many bands and many performers that simply would have a much harder time continuing the work that they’re doing. So I just can’t say enough how much we appreciate it. Thank you.”
いつも言うように、このジャズワールドの真の支えは日本のファンの皆さんだよ。Without it, not just us, there are many bands and many performers that simply would have a much harder time continuing the work that they’re doing.→自分たちだけでなく、多くのバンドやミュージシャンたちが良い演奏を続けることができるのは、日本の皆さんのおかげだと思う。感謝しきれないくらいさ。本当にありがとう。

< パット・メセニー・グループ公演へご来店頂きました、HTMLメールマガジン購読にご登録頂いているお客様皆様へ、アーティストからのメッセージ(こちら↑)をE-mail にてお届けいたしております >
◆ 公演終了直後にも関わらず、笑顔でインタヴューに応じてくれたパット。
◆ 皆様のご来店誠にありがとうございました。
→ http://www.bluenote.co.jp/jp/original/report/
◆ 当インタビューへの感想、ご意見をお聞かせください。
『PAT METHENY GROUP・2008-09来日公演記念 T-SHIRTS』 をプレゼントいたします。
ご応募は→ こちら
ご応募締切 : 1/30 Fri. 2009
official web site : http://www.patmetheny.com/
→ メールマガジン登録・おススメです。:http://www.patmetheny.com/newuser.cfm
◆ BLUE NOTE TOKYO メールマガジン・会員も募集中。
HTML メールにて、新規決定公演のいち早情報や、おすすめ情報をお届け。