「マジカルで、雄大で、心臓が止まるほど美しいサウンド」と形容される“音の魔術”が、6月の東京を彩る。現代N.Y.ジャズの英知、マリア・シュナイダー・オーケストラの3年半ぶりとなる来日公演だ。マリアはギル・エヴァンスやボブ・ブルックマイヤーの元で学び、’93年から自己のオーケストラを率いて活動する作編曲家。’16年2月に発表された第58回グラミー賞では2部門で受賞を果たし、デヴィッド・ボウイが'14年に発表した楽曲「Sue (Or In A Season Of Crime)」にも全面協力した。今回の公演にも、2月に自身のグループで来日したばかりのダニー・マッキャスリンなど凄腕メンバーばかりが集結。さらに深化した音作りで、ジャズ・アンサンブルの未来を指し示す。
Message from Maria Schneider
I and all of my musicians are absolutely thrilled to come back to the Blue Note and play for the audience that we love so much. There’s a special feeling in that room. The hospitality of the club is the best there is, and the Blue Note audiences appreciate jazz more than any audience I know in the world. That combination makes the musicians play their very best! So we can’t wait.
We will be presenting a variety of music from the past, as well as music from The Thompson Fields. But we are really excited to present some new music that is not yet recorded, as well. Each night, both sets will be different music, for people that wish to stay a whole night. And even from night to night, we like to play a big variety of music and make it fun for audience members that want to come on multiple nights and hear fresh music. That makes the musicians play with a fresh new perspective each night, too. We want to give you our very best, because our visits to Japan are few! We hope to create memorable nights of music for all.
We can’t wait to say hello once again with our music! Maria